Automation &
What does a client mean to your business? To ours they are its life blood, its revenue and our sole reason for being in business......so it's easy for us to say that our clients are very important to us.
We think your answer to that question would be very similar, which is why we take so much care in when it comes to packaging what will become your future; clients, revenue, reason for being in business.
Treating your future clients in any lesser way than we would treat our own, would be a failure.
We go to great lengths to ensure that your clients initial experience of your company are a resounding success - in fact a case study of over 3000 packaged clients showed that they rated their initial experience was 9.1 out of 10 stars. We feel this is acceptable, but still push to discover what we could have done better.
Communication with the potential future users of your product or service. Advertisements are messages paid for by us, messages that are intended to inform or influence people who witness them, and are designed with the intention of encouraging consumers to visit our landing page.
Landing page
Is a standalone web page that a visitor "lands" on after clicking through from an email, ad, or other digital advert. Once on our landing page, visitors are encouraged to take an action, such as parting with personal data that enables us to qualify whether or not they are suitable to be your futures client.
Qualifying a client, is to collect enough data to ensure that they match the criteria you have set us. We use this initial qualification to ensure we can reach our goal of delivering packaged clients at the agreed CPA.
Packaged Client
Simply put, a packaged client is what you tell us it is.
No business is the sam,e, and even similar business types request different processes, qualification and paperwork to be collated.
Is key. Not only between CPA Ltd and yourself, but between us and your clients. We encourage you to allow us to continue communication with your clients for a period after we have delivered them to you. This helps with 'retention'.
We do not want to simply fulfill an order, we want your clients to remain your clients, and we know the best way to do this is to ensure that once delivered to your CRM/business that they continue to feel looked after - it is cheaper to help a client settle than to lose them and pay to replace.